WO-G Issue Materials/Labor

Materials are issued to work orders using WO-G Issue Materials on the Mfg menu. Materials issued can be any materials able to be placed on a bom, including types L-Labor and T-Outside Processes.

During the course of issuing, DBA presents a choice to issue by Kit, List, or individually. The functioning of the program differs depending on the selection.

Kit Issue? (Yes/No/List) Typing Y will select Kit Issue. This will issue all bom parts as a set or kit. The program will ask for the number of complete kits, and issue them without review. If a part is not in stock, the system will issue it, causing inventory to go negative, and will offer to print a shortage report for that part.

Typing N will select individual issue. The system will proceed to prompt for Item Number, quantity, etc. You will need to individually issue each part on the bom.

Typing L will select List Issue. This feature not only allows you to issue the entire bom with a single entry, but also allows you to review and edit the issue. The program will ask for the number of complete kits. You will be presented with a bom list, the quantities required and the quantities on hand and the suggested issue quantity (the lesser of required and on-hand). You can then edit the suggested issue quantities as desired, and issue the edited list.

As a practical example, suppose you have a work order with 10 parts on the bom. You pull the stock and find you have all but one of the parts. If you kit issue the work order, you will have one entry, and will go negative on the one part. A shortage report will remind you that you must issue a PO to make up the difference. If you say No, you will make nine entries, one for each of the parts you are issuing. If you do a list issue, you will list the kit, then edit the entry for the one item and post the remaining 9.

A quick method for issuing parts is to do a List or Kit issue, and enter the quantity as zero. The system will issue or select for issuing all open (unissued) items on the bom, no matter how many previous partial issues may have been made.

The Display Material Transactions (DSP MATERIAL TRANS) button will present a sortable list of transactions. Selecting a transaction will allow you to back it out, edit it and resubmit. You can also back out and cancel a transaction. CBRI recommends against using this feature. Instead, to correct or cancel a transaction, the preferred method is to issue a negative quantity of the item, i.e., in the Qty Issued field, type “–1” instead of “1”.

Defective or damaged parts being used to produce a work order are scrapped in this module. Defective or damaged parts being produced on a work order are scrapped in WO-F Enter Labor. Scrapped parts used may be viewed in JC-E Print Material Issues. Scrapped parts produced may be viewed in JC-C Print Labor Transactions.

You can also add to a bill of materials “on the fly” by simply issuing a part to the work order. The system will ask if you want to add the item to the bill of materials. Note that doing so will add the part to the work order bom, but not the master bom. Generally, CBRI recommends the more structured approach of adding the part to the master bom using BM-A Enter Bills of Material, and WO-K-B Enter Work Order Bills of Material prior to issuing the additional part.

To begin issuing materials to the work order, go to WO-G Issue Materials on the Mfg menu.

1. Enter or lookup the Work Order and hit enter.
2. Enter the Issue Date. The system will default to today’s date. Hit enter.
3. Reference The system allows you to enter a reference to identify the transaction. Type a reference or leave blank and hit enter. This reference will show in IN-E Print Inventory Transactions and IN-O User Defined Inventory Transactions, replacing the customer or “Make to Stock” note.
4. Kit Issue ? (Yes/No/List) Enter your selection, Y, N or L per the discussion above.

-Y=Kit Issue The system will move to the Qty Issued field. Enter the number of complete kits to issue and hit enter. -The system will ask if it is OK to issue this material? Click Yes. -If a component being issued is tagged for Serial or Lot control, the cursor will stop in the Serial Number or Lot Number fields respectively. Lookup the number you are issuing. While you can enter the number, CBRI recommends that you look it up to make sure that your entries match previous records. If you do not lookup the number, you may encounter a message that the number does not exist, would you like to add it? (While this is appropriate when receiving purchases, encountering this message during issues or sales means that you have entered the number incorrectly.)  If you are issuing multiple quantities of these parts, the system will require an input for each part being issued. -If the system encountered a shortage while issuing, you will be prompted to print a shortage report. Click Yes.

-N=Item Issue The system will move to the Item Number field. Enter or lookup the Item Number and hit enter.  -The system will move to the Qty Issued field. Enter the quantity to be issued and hit enter. If you are scrapping a part, leave this field blank and hit enter. The system will move to the Qty Scrapped field. Enter the number to scrap and hit enter. Enter or lookup the Scrap Code and hit enter. (Scrap codes are entered in RO-G Enter Scrap Codes.) -The system will ask if it is OK to issue this material? Click Yes. -If a component being issued is tagged for Serial or Lot control, the cursor will stop in the Serial Number or Lot Number fields respectively. Lookup the number you are issuing. While you can enter the number, CBRI recommends that you look it up to make sure that your entries match previous records. Hit enter. If you are issuing multiple quantities of these parts, the system will require an input for each part being issued. –If the system encounters a shortage, you will be warned that On-hand will go negative. Click Yes to continue, click No to cancel.
-L=List Issue The system will move to the Qty Issued field. Enter the number of kits to issue and hit enter. –The system will present a bill of materials list showing the total required, the total on-hand and the suggested quantity to issue (the lesser of the two). By selecting a part in the top screen, you can see the prior quantity issued. To edit the quantity to issue, select a part and hit enter. The cursor will move to the This Issue field. Edit the quantity to issue and hit enter. When all the quantities in the list are correct, hit k, or click DONE. –The system will ask if you want to Save these Issues? Click Yes. -If a component being issued is tagged for Serial or Lot control, the cursor will stop in the Serial Number or Lot Number fields respectively. Lookup the number you are issuing. While you can enter the number, CBRI recommends that you look it up to make sure that your entries match previous records. Hit enter. If you are issuing multiple quantities of these parts, the system will require an input for each part being issued.

-If the system encountered a shortage while issuing, you will be prompted to print a shortage report. Click Yes.